$1,100.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Embodiment Coaching Certification Cohort 2 (Payment Plan Price)

Here’s everything you’ll get with your Certified Embodiment Coach Training:

  1. The complete Certified Embodiment Coach Training Program: Three powerful, transformative and life-changing months catered to give you everything you need to become a thriving, impactful, & confident Certified Embodiment Coach.

  2. Weekly LIVE Q+A and Embodied Practice Coaching calls: Join deep-dive expert sessions with DCI founders and Master Coach as they answer your questions and bring you deeper into the week’s modules with immersive practices.

  3. Weekly experiential coaching practice pods: Immediately apply everything you learn in a safe and supportive environment. Sharpen your skills, grow your confidence, and get valuable feedback to help make sure you consistently grow and improve every single week!

  4. Your Dedicated Master Coach to support you throughout your journey: Discover the power of having a supportive mentor walking by your side every step of the way and supporting your growth on your Embodiment Coaching journey.

  5. BONUS: 7 Daily Embodiment Practices with Sahara Rose

  6. BONUS: Masterclass With Mind-Body Connection Expert Nate Ortiz

  7. BONUS: An Alumni Network that’s exclusive to graduates of this program. Connect with other Certified Embodiment Coaches from your current class and future classes as you build deep friendships and develop a priceless network of supportive peer coaches and entrepreneurs that provide constant accountability and support as you do the work to grow your business.